Monday, October 27, 2008

Update 3

Feedback on Claudine, as at 23 Oct 2008:-

I have attached a recent photo. You will be able to witness God's work in this! Claudine is doing very well, and is looking lovely!
She's now in the rehab hospital and receiving Speech Therapy, Physiotherapy, and Occupational Therapy.

She's only speaking in short sentences at any one time, but is able to understand 100% of what is being said to her. She is still not able to use her arms, but has started to lift her left arm recently. She still can't sit up, walk, or eat unaided. Spends most of her time either in the hospital bed, or in a wheelchair. She is still totally dependent on assistance.

After the first week of her being here I had a meeting with the therapists that have been working with her, and their assessment / update is as follows:-

Speech Therapist - Currently working on teaching her to swallow. Claudine is still choking when she drinks water, so cold drink and water have to be mixed with some form of thickener for her. She's eating well / properly, and is swallowing her solids properly, but if she has some food in the right side of her mouth, she is unable to chew it properly. her right side is slightly weaker than her left side. She si also doing exercise with vocalization of letters, to assist her breathing and speech coordination.

Occupational Therapist: She was surprised to test and see Claudine's good cognitive brain functions!!!! Her long term memory is very good. her short term memory is not as good, but this is to be understood. She predicts that Claudine will eventually be able to return to the workplace. With prayer, and intensive therapy.

Physiotherapist - Claudine's muscles as very weak/shortened, especially at her shoulders and arms, this is because both shoulder blades were broken and her right shoulder was dislocated, this in turn is causing her a lot of pain during the physio training. Her wrists are also very stiff, due to 3 months of inactivity. She can now lift her left arm, and is trying to feed herself. Her right arm is still not functional, partly due to the weaker right side of her body, and partly due to the sever damage it suffered, and the subsequent operations to repair the arm. She really puts a lot of effort into her training, and they train everyday. She is even able, with assistance, to take a couple of steps!!!

The report from the rehabilitation unit ends of by stating that they predict an 80% improvement by January, with this rigorous intensive therapy / training regimen!
Neurologist - He is gobsmacked by Claudine's progress, and says that what he has seen is medically speaking (as based on the MR results) impossible!!!! Luckily he is very fond of Claudine, and takes special care of her!!!

Please pray for Claudine. She really needs all your prayers. She has already been asking me "Mom, when am I going to be normal again?" She's sees her broken, fragile body, and cries when anyone says she will walk, and be normal again. And her response then is "I hope so." It's heartbreaking to see my child like this, and to see her suffering. She's really putting all of her effort into getting better.

To all of the wonderful people who have donated towards her medical costs, for her rehabilitation and therapy - Thank You, Thank You very much!

Kind regards
Claudine looking very much better than in the previous pics!! In fact, she's looking very much like the lovely, happy smiling person we know she really is!!

Editors note:- There is no doubt in my mind that this child is very special. The "miracle" of her progress, the "fight" she is displaying in trying to get better, and the fact that she is surprising all and sundry with her progress proves this. Imagine having to start all over again? Learn to walk, talk, lift your arms? Even having to learn to swallow? We are blessed with having a special relationship with a very special person.
To Alta, you are a fantastic and incredible MOM! Your dedication to Claudine, and you continued trust and belief in God's assistance with her healing is what is making all of this come true. You truly are an example to all of us. Thank you for sharing your child with us. Thank you for sharing this experience - as painful as it must be - with us.

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