Monday, November 3, 2008

Update 5

As at Thursday, October 30, 2008

Claudine's first outing since that day of the accident!
Today she went for a visit to the local zoo with some of the other patients at the rehab. It was lovely to see the sun again, and to be able to just relax. She was very concerned / scared of leaving her bed, till we explained that Mom and Dad were going with, and were not going to be leaving her alone - and it did her so much good!Ed:- Arriving at the zoo by bus! Nice to see that the service includes the required wheelchair lift - in working order! Also, see how happy the two ladies on the left look (I assume they are volunteers / supporters / aides)Ed:- Great pic of Claudine and Dad! She's really looking much better. However, you can see how she's "protecting" her right arm. Much prayer and hope is required so that she can recover the use of that arm. u go GIRL!

Sunday she's allowed to go out with us. We will take her to the farm, and just have a quiet, restful visit with her brother and family, and Aunty Elsebe who's making the "boerekos" (Typical farmers fare) and cremora-tart!! (Ed's. note:- I haven't had that for years!!!)

Please pray with us for healing of Claudine's right arm that's still not functional. It's depressing her at the moment, because she believes she is paralyzed - and it's difficult to see the little arm just hanging there.....

The arm can recover, and prayer will go a long way in ensuring this will happen.

Thank you all for your prayers
All honor to God that Claudine has recovered as well as she has to date!


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